10 min (price drop)

This one displays a wasted blonde Spring Breaker for about 10 minutes in a green onesie bikini that was way too tight for her. The video starts with Pro while she was still a bit conscious and walking in the streets but she was already fucking smashed. She’s falling on the floor until someone is helping her to get back to her feet. Then, Pro leaves the scene and Joker jumps in. She was carried away by an Asian woman who did not want to leave her alone, and she was right! I pretended to be a friend of a friend and stayed there while everybody was around watching her. I had the opportunity to take two golden uppie shots and then I got so close for so long getting her in all angles including her breast and her croch. At the end of the video, the cops are called and check her pulse and everything, I kept recording for a little and then left the scene. She had a nice funny day, was so fucking wasted. That was a funny cap and she went safe back home. Everybody wins!