EPIC DUO Waterpark bundle

This waterpark bundle is unique and only available via bundle. There are 8 videos in total, 5 from Joker and 3 from Pro, a mix of solo and duo vids. This is a sort of try-out for us as this was the first time we shot together in a waterpark. We enjoyed it a lot but the waterpark was empty and we did not get much. This is the opportunity for you to tell us that you want more of that kind. If this bundle is popular we will go even harder and shoot in the most busy waterparks in the world but if it’s not too popular we won’t. So this is the only chance for you to tell us that you want more. Go support our work by purchasing this bundle! There are some freaking EPIC shots!

The first video is a group of teen latinas with their mum. The video is quite short as we got busted quite easily due to nobody being around and us being so close, they did not see the cameras but they were suspicious a lot. Great stairway shots there. 4 min total.

This second video features a group of young latinas in nikepro shorts which is quite rare underwater. Pro really enjoyed this one and got tons of close-ups while they were chilling with their boyfriends, Joker got also a girl in bikini. 5 min total.

This video was shot by Joker only and features a late teen in blue thong bikini playing with her brother. 2 min total.

This video is the longest and the best we have. It’s about 15 minutes and features a trio of adults 2 latinas and a white girl. The story is pretty crazy. The video starts with a follow and stair shots, the first time were up there ready for the attraction, they offered us to join them in the slides but it was maximum 4 and we were 5 so we slided separately. Then, we saw them going back again to the same attraction so we followed, and once up there, Joker offered them to join us in the other ride that is 5 person maximum and they accepted!!!! So we slided with them and had a great time, we saw them boobs jiggling and the smiles on their faces having fun and they were shifting all over us. Once we were done, we just separated ways. We saw them again in the lazy river and we went totally crazy on them. The tall girl in green was our favorite so we totally destroyed her. You can see from the screenshots how close we need to be. And it’s definitely unique to be in some sort of candid inception where you can see a shooter (Pro) shooting a shooter (Joker) shooting a target! And vice versa. We hope you will enjoy that kind of premium fuel fire.